Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hello Cairo

Finally, a moment to set up a blog! Thus far, I have been in Egypt for five days-- the longest five days that I can recall.

I have been writing some of my experiences in both a journal that I carry with me and in a few emails that I was able to write home. I plan to copy those entries into this blog for all those who wish to vicariously live in Cairo.

For those of you who know me well, I love to retell stories from my life. If you were hoping for succinct lists of things that I do in Egypt, I'm sorry, but this is going to be more colorful than that. I hope to share with you most of those things which strike me as pleasant, odd, surprising, amusing, or just good material for a story.

Anyone who wishes to do so may post comments here or email me at mduncan@usc.edu (I love getting emails!).

On that note, I'll now begin the process of copying entries to this blog and I'm sure that I'll soon have new experiences to share with you all!

مع السلام,


briemarie said...

hello caitlin,
wow.your trips and adventures to Egypt sound facinating.
I hope to hear from you soon and be able to read your colorful adventures there in that amazing place.

by the way. I heard from a little birdie that our mothers are already planning a getaway to the one and only Sweden. what a trip that would be. Supposibly planned for two years, when I graduate.

keep in touch.


Dad said...

Bravo Monkey!
Can't wait to read your stories. You certainly have a gift with words and your outlook is unique. Your travel sounded a bit wacky. We loved your e-mail where the Sphynx has birds living in it's nose hole. (Reagan & Jason too) Hugs & Good Thoughts from Wildomar.
Love, Dad